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Onboarding Process Overview

  1. Introduction

  2. GroupMe

  3. Human Subjects Research Training (online)

  4. HIPAA Form

  5. Proof of Vaccination

  6. RedCap Account

  7. FirstNet Account

  8. Emergency Department Access Badge

  9. Training Day (in-person) 

  10. Preview of Patient Surveying Process

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Why We Conduct Public Health Research

First, we would like to thank you for joining our team! We are grateful that you are dedicated to improving the health of our community as passionately as we are. 

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In our work together, we are making a positive difference in the accessibility and quality of health care available to everyone. Please review the scope and strategy of our research in the following document.

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Group Messaging Platform

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To stay connected with your fellow research assistants and our research coordinator, please join our project GroupMe at the following link.

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Institutional Review Board (IRB) Requirement

"Under [United States Food and Drug Administration] (FDA) regulations, an IRB is an appropriately constituted group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects... The purpose of IRB review is to assure, both in advance and by periodic review, that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects in the research." (FDA, 1998)

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Thus, in our work, one of the first steps in onboarding is to complete the training required to work with patients. Below, you will find the websites that administer this training through Emory and Georgia Tech, respectively. Please complete the human subjects training for the institution with which you are affiliated and retain the certificate(s) of completion for submission in a later onboarding step. 

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Image by Irwan iwe
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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

"The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge." (CDC)

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Please review and complete the HIPAA form below and retain it for submission in the next onboarding step. 

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COVID-19 Vaccination

Please note that you will not be required to interview known COVID-positive patients nor will you be asked to enter “hot zones” (rooms for PUIs, or Patients Under Investigation for COVID). We prioritize your safety and will provide you with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to keep, including a personal face shield and N95 mask.

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Please submit a photograph of your COVID-19 vaccination card, your certificate(s) of completion from the human subjects training, your completed HIPAA form and other basic information requested in the following form.

Online Work
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Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap)

"REDCap is a secure, internally hosted web-based application designed exclusively to support data capture for research studies." (Emory University)

In our work, we use REDCap to collect and manage data for our project. Please create a REDCap account through their website at the link below the following sign-up instructions. 

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If you are a current Emory faculty/student/staff, a profile can be created by logging into the REDCap website using your Emory credentials and completing the profile creation steps. Once activated, your profile can be searched for and added to the project using the “User Rights” located within the project toolbar.

If you are not affiliated with Emory, please email your address and date of birth to our research coordinator and ask for help setting up a sponsored RedCap account. Once activated, your profile can be searched for and added to the project using the “User Rights” located within the project toolbar.

Doctor with Computer
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Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Software

FirstNet is an EMR and clinical management software used by the Emory Healthcare Network. In our research, we use FirstNet to review patient EMRs.

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Please create a FirstNet account using the sign-up instructions provided in the document linked below.

Using Keycard
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Emory University Hospital Midtown (EUHM)

To work in the Emergency Department, you will need an access badge. To obtain one, please go to the EUHM security office and inform the staff that you are a new research assistant working with Dr. John Lewis in the Emergency Department and are seeking an access badge. They will be able to help you with this process. However, please note that you may not immediately receive your badge, so after you request it, our research coordinator will help you know when it is ready for pick-up.

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The EUHM security office is on the second floor of the building attached to the parking deck. Their contact information is provided below for your convenience. 

EUHM Security Services


Glenn Building RM #2.4701

550 Peachtree St NE

Atlanta, GA 30308

Healthcare Workers
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Emory University Hospital Midtown Emergency Department

Congratulations on completing each of the preceding onboarding steps! We are excited to have you join us in-person soon. You will need to schedule a time to come in to the hospital to receive training regarding data collection and follow-up procedures.

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Please reach out to our research coordinator and Dr. Lewis to find a time that works for everyone to meet for your in-person training.

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Administering Patient Surveys in the Emergency Department

After completing the onboarding steps above, you can now come in to the Emergency Department to begin surveying patients and collecting data.

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Please review the protocols for this process located on the Patient Surveying page of this website, linked below for your convenience. 

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