Process Overview
1. BROCh-In Variables Database
2. Follow-Up Calls

Basic Receptivity to Change Index (BROC-In)
Log in to Emory RedCap using your 'n' number and password and navigate to our project.
Under 'Data Collection' on the left, click 'Record Status Dashboard'.
Recall the name of a patient you surveyed in the emergency department. If you don't remember their respective RedCap record number, you can navigate to 'Add/Edit Records' on the left-hand side of the RedCap website, and look up either their first or last name in the 'search query' box. Their record will have their Record ID, also referred to as their record number.
Once you have identified your patient's RedCap record number, click on the corresponding green button under the 'Brocinapt' column next to their RedCap record number.
Scroll down until you see 'Medical Record Number'.
Open FirstNet. In the top right of the window, locate the search box.
Click the drop-down arrow and select MRN as the identifier.
Enter the patient's MRN from Step 5, and a pop-up box will appear.
Ensure that the patient name at the top of the box is correct.
Double click on any row with Enc Type 'Emergency' and Facility 'ECLH'.
Select either 'IS Support' or 'Scribe' under relationships to open the patient’s chart.
Open the BROCh-In Database at the link below.
Using the patient chart in FirstNet, retrieve their demographic background information (columns B-E in the database) as well as their clinical information (columns F-N) to fill out the respective columns in the BROCh-In database using the Abbreviation Key below. Please reach out to our research coordinator and/or Dr. Lewis about any uncertainties you may have about what something means.
Tips and Tricks
Under 'Menu' on the left, 'Patient Information,' 'Histories,' and 'Clinical Notes' tend to be the most helpful in filling out the excel sheet
Only requirement to answer 'Y' under Domiciled is a valid home address under 'Patient Information' -> 'Addresses'
To find insurance info, go to 'Patient Information' -> 'Visits'. Scroll to bottom and identify FSC Code on the bottom right when you scroll down to the second box. Even if there’s nothing in the 'Histories' tab, cross check that with 'Clinical Notes' -> 'Emergency Documentation'-> 'History and Physical' and scroll down to most recent notes which contain history info. If there are any discrepancies, please reach out to our research coordinator.
Ask if you aren’t sure whether to fill in Y or N
Abbreviation Key
HTN - hypertension
DM - Diabetes
Renal Disease - CKD (chronic kidney disease), ERSD (end-stage renal disease), or renal failure
Substance abuse - alcoholism, cocaine, opiate, marijuana, meth, heroin abuse
Malignancy - cancer of any type, diagnosis ending in the suffix -oma (e.g. sarcoma)
HF - heart failure. Also abbreviated CHF, HFrEF, HFpEF

Getting an Update From Your Patients
This step is necessary to determine whether the patients you surveyed followed up with a Primary Care Physician (PCP) or utilized any of the community health resources on the flyer you gave them. Please reach out to your patients within 14-28 days from the date you surveyed them at the hospital.
Log in to Emory RedCap using your 'n' number and password and navigate to our project.
Under 'Data Collection' on the left, click 'Record Status Dashboard.'
Next to patient record number, click on the corresponding green button under the “Brocinapt” column.
Locate and note your patient's phone number.
Under the 'Record ID' sub-menu below the 'Data Collection' menu on the left-hand side of the scren, open the 'Community Health Resources' form.
If you have not yet done so, sign up for Google Voice at the link below to anonymize your phone number when calling patients.
Call your patients using Google Voice while following the script below to fill out the corresponding 'Community Health Resources' form on RedCap.
If you are able to leave voicemail, mark the form status as 'incomplete' before saving and exiting. Please leave a total of 3 voicemails across different days of the week before marking the form as 'complete'.
Mark the form as 'complete' if you are unable to reach your patient and 28 days have passed since you surveyed them in the hospital.
If your patient's phone is disconnected, you can try to reach out to their next of kin if that information is provided on FirstNet. To check, log in to FirstNet and navigate to Patient Information → Visits → Relationships or Patient Information → Emergency Contact Info.
“Hello, this is [your name] from Emory University Hospital Midtown. I am calling to follow up on your recent visit to our emergency department. This is a follow up research call and is not in reference to payment of any kind. May I speak with [participant’s name]?"
If they are available
"How are you doing today? [provide appropriate empathetic response]. During your visit, you participated in a free survey about your use of the emergency department. Have you contacted or followed up with a doctor, clinic, or any of the resources on the list we provided? [fill out appropriate response in RedCap form]
If yes, what is the name of the physician and/or the name of the resources you followed up with? [fill out appropriate response in RedCap form]
Thank you for your time. We greatly appreciate you partnering with us to improve the health of our community and beyond."
If they are not available
"When is a better time to reach you? I will attempt to reach you at that time."

Thank you for your efforts in getting us one step closer towards providing better, lasting care to everyone in our community! We hope to see you in the hospital again soon.
For a reminder on how to sign up for a shift, please visit the 'Patient Surveying' page under the 'Resources' tab of this website, linked below for your convenience.